活动回顾 | 第七书院新春联欢会
Seventh College New Year Celebrating Party
-新 春 联 欢-
-新 春 祝 福-
Dear distinguished guests, leaders and students of the Seventh College,
Happy New Year! In this hopeful and opportunistic year of 2024, on behalf of the Seventh College, I extend my sincerest Lunar New Year greetings to all of you.
Looking back on the past year, with the collective efforts of the college office, residential wardens, tutors, student leaders and students, we have achieved a breakthrough from 0 to 1 in the Seventh College. We have established a college culture centered around mission, character, and service, and have put into practice a college development model that emphasizes building intimate relationships and impacting lives. We have focused on four aspects: innovation and entrepreneurship, service learning, communication and leadership, and intimate relationships. Our goal is to establish a college that is filled with love and to cultivate innovative leaders with a sense of mission and a spirit of service. At this special moment, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to every college leader and student. Your friendship, resilience, courage, creativity, humility and adaptability have been indispensable during this challenging period of uncertainty.
In the new year, we will continue to face opportunities and challenges. As leaders and students of the Seventh College, you are the future leaders and innovators. Whatever path you choose in the future, I encourage you to maintain an open mindset, pursue excellence and virtue, fearlessly explore the unknown, and continuously develop your leadership and innovative mindset. Embrace the work and future career development of the coming year with a spirit of humble service.
At the Seventh College, we are committed to providing a nurturing environment filled with love and respect, encouraging innovation, and embracing a safe space for trial and error. We aim to foster the holistic development of our students. We encourage you to discover and live out your own missions, to uphold integrity, to pursue excellence, and to unleash your potential. Through your humble spirit of service and innovative mindset, you have the power to change the world.
In the new year, I hope that every student will continue in pursuing your dreams with dedication. Furthermore, I encourage you to maintain a spirit of unity and cooperation. The core competitiveness of the 21st century lies in the ability to collaborate, learn, and innovate as a team. We live in a diverse society, and it is important to maintain an open mindset and respect the perspectives and backgrounds of others. Through collaboration and support, we can build a loving community ecosystem that encourages innovation.
Lastly, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the Graduate School, the Center for Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship, every student, faculty, staff, and parents for your support and contributions to the Seventh College. It is because of your efforts and dedication that we have become a vibrant and creative college.
In the new year, let us continue to move forward hand in hand and jointly create a bright future that belongs to us! The winds of change are blowing, and the future holds great promise!
Wishing you all a happy New Year, good health, and success in all endeavors!
点击福字 开启祝福
-幸 运 抽 奖-
-音 乐 表 演-
第七书院新春联欢会不仅有丰富的抽奖礼品,还准备了各式演出节目。音乐之声,可以感人,可以动心,在过年佳节更是如此。作为开场,由书院办公室的老师们为大家准备的《Hey Jude》合唱表演,拉开了联欢会演出的序幕。
来自第七书院、理工学院的徐诗麟同学也师生们献唱《Always remember us this way》。作为第七书院的音乐才子,徐同学用他的醇厚而动人的歌声,将现场师生带入一个充满情感和回忆的世界。
图文 | 王添锦 道扬书院 人文社科学院
编辑 | 王添锦 道扬书院 人文社科学院
电话 | 0755-23517380
邮箱 | 7thcollege@cuhk.edu.cn
办公时间 | 8:30-12:00; 13:00-17:30
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